Cloud-Based Secure Online Document Storage

Unlimited Clients, Users, and Document Storage
As your accounting firm grows, SmartVault grows with you. Our cloud-based document management platform provides unmatched scalability, allowing you to add unlimited clients, users, storage, and more without added cost and fees.

Efficient Collaboration, Document Management, and More – At Any Scale

Make scalability a competitive advantage, not an operational hurdle, with unlimited scalability, seamless efficiency, and reliability to grow confidently.
Boost Collaboration And Client Icon
Unite Your Team and Clients
Bring all your documents and workflows together – from sharing and collecting files to creating PDF forms, onboarding new clients, and getting eSignatures – to eliminate productivity bottlenecks and drive consistent, scalable processes across your firm.
Reduce Paper Handling Icon
Enjoy Truly Boundless Scalability
With unlimited cloud storage, you never have to worry about running out of space for all your client files, records, and documents as you take on more business. SmartVault simplifies scaling by removing technical barriers like server limits.. firm
Our Future Together Is Bright Icon
Evolve Workflows, Easily
Streamlined firm-wide processes and automated workflows ensure efficiency keeps pace with your client volumes and staff headcount. Easily adapt to changes by adjusting workflows, onboarding new clients, or adjusting access permissions.
Version Control Icon
Scale With Unlimited Guest Users
Provide secure, self-serve document access and collaboration to as many clients as you need. SmartVault has no limits on how many clients and users you can add, allowing you to effortlessly expand your client accounting services. Each client gets a personalized portal to interact seamlessly with your firm.
Archive Automatically Icon
Access Related Clients Quickly
Maintain organization as your client base grows. Group related clients to visualize intricate client relationships at a glance, making it easier to manage family businesses, corporate hierarchies, and multi-entity clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a guest user license?
Guests are free and unlimited in all SmartVault plans. Guests are individuals outside of your business with whom you want to share documents. Guests can upload and access files through the SmartVault portal, inbox, and mobile apps.
Can I purchase extra user licenses during tax season?
Yes, SmartVault offers Seasonal Worker licenses to customers on annual plans. You can purchase Seasonal Worker licenses anytime, but they are available to use and assign starting December 15 of each year. The Seasonal License access is removed after April 30.

What Our Customers Say

When we implemented SmartVault it allowed us to grow our firm exponentially...The improvements when reaching out to our clients in bulk and the integration with our tax software has been just unbelievable. We do a lot of tax preparation, and when I first started we were doing about 700 tax returns, now we're more than double that at about 1,800. We would have never been able to do that without improving our communication with our clients on a mass scale.
Nick Boscia Boscia & Boscia P.C.
All of my administrative staff use SmartVault, and they love it. It really has allowed us to keep adding tax clients without having negative impacts on our ability to serve them efficiently.
John Coleman Commonwealth Business Services
Our tax prep has grown progressively year over year. I can honestly say that we've seen this growth because our operations are very streamlined. We are so much more efficient now that we use SmartVault.
Christa Skoupy CPA Auxilia Accounting

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